Wednesday 11 February 2015

Less Than Lethal - Handgun Add-On:

I'm still trying to put together a considered reaction to this new product from USA (San Diego) 'Alternative Ballistics'

This is really different - and they won't come cheap either - US$50 / 60 each?:

I saw this attachment described on 'The Firearms Blog' - This fixture captures the standard lethal bullet into the large diameter lightweight alloy projectile and propels it onto the target delivering a shocking but non penetrating blow - "less than lethal".

Check out the publicity video simulation:

I really don't know what to say - this is a nightmare. - There are just so many aspects of this single use fixture that could cause a failure to achieve desired function - that it must have been developed in California where they do seem to be so confused about firearms.

- How long will it be before the first officer shoots himself in the hand?

 -  Consider the mental torment this equipment will cause serving officers in Departments that purchase it.  - "clever" though - but..

"Clever" is not the same as wise 

Further commentary from 'Fox News'

- Turn your ray-guns to "stun only' !

- I got a parcel this morning from "The Book Depository" in UK with 'Fighting Handguns' by Jeff Cooper  - re-printed 50 years after it was first published - I'm looking forward to reading some authentic opinionated views on how The Colonel - "The Father of Modern Pistol Shooting" saw things back when.
I don't expect to agree with the late Gurus' every thought - but I do look-forward to absorbing his expert insights from all those years ago - 1958. The book is NZ$23. worth of illustrated shooting history - sent around the world postage free!
Marty K.

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